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  230 West 15th Street Hamilton

230 West 15th Street
Hamilton Ontario

This home in Hamilton was on the real estate market for 10 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  87 Sydenham Street Dundas

87 Sydenham Street
Dundas Ontario

This home in Dundas was on the real estate market for 3 days and SOLD above asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  82 5th Concession E Road Flamborough

82 5th Concession E Road
Flamborough Ontario

This home in Flamborough was on the real estate market for 66 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  151 Seneca Court Ancaster

151 Seneca Court
Ancaster Ontario

This home in Ancaster was on the real estate market for 82 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  578 Trafford Crescent Oakville

578 Trafford Crescent
Oakville Ontario

This home in Oakville was on the real estate market for 17 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  4203 Spruce Avenue Burlington

4203 Spruce Avenue
Burlington Ontario

This home in Burlington was on the real estate market for 3 days and SOLD above asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  2 87 Colbourne Street Hamilton

2 87 Colbourne Street
Hamilton Ontario

This home in Hamilton was on the real estate market for 81 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  182 St. Clair Boulevard Hamilton

182 St. Clair Boulevard
Hamilton Ontario

This home in Hamilton was on the real estate market for 9 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

  7268 Bendigo Circle Mississauga

7268 Bendigo Circle
Mississauga Ontario

This home in Mississauga was on the real estate market for 20 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Royal LePage® Burloak and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.