Keep in mind that while it is extremely important to envision yourself in a home and to feel happy and excited when house hunting, you should try your best not to let your emotions get the best of you when deciding to put in an offer. Turn to your REALTOR® for assistance and guidance when deciding to put together an offer and discuss all important details.
Types Of Offers
The main factors of most offers include price, deposit, terms, conditions, and specific items that are included or excluded with the home and the closing date. From there, you can decide to make a “firm” offer which means that you’re willing to buy the home exactly as it is, or you could make the offer “conditional” on things like a home inspection, approval of financing, or the sale of the buyer’s existing home. In a conditional offer, the home is not sold until all conditions have been waived or fulfilled.
Negotiating Your Offer
The seller will either accept your offer, reject it, or make a counteroffer based on things like price, closing date, or other conditions. While receiving a counteroffer may be unsettling, know that your real estate Sales Representative has plenty of experience to help you. When negotiating, make sure that what you’re asking for is fair and equitable; be polite and collaborative; hold fast to your “needs” and be flexible on your “wants”. Know when to walk away.
How Our Sales Representatives Help You In Making An Offer
- Explain what comparable houses in Hamilton, Burlington, and the area are selling for, how current market conditions can impact your offer, and where applicable, whether there is any competition from other interested homebuyers
- Determine any offer conditions such as a satisfactory home inspection or arranging to finance, and the potential impact of such conditions on the acceptance of your offer
- Sort through the key elements of your offer including price, deposit, inclusions and exclusions, and your closing or possession date
- Manage all offers and any counter-offers, negotiating to get you the best possible deal