In the midst of searching for your perfect home, you must remember to protect yourself and put your best interests above all else. To help avoid any of this, ask your REALTOR® to put you in touch with people who can help. For future reference, here is an example of the people you should keep in mind:
Home Inspector
Having the property inspected by a qualified home inspector will provide you with added confidence that you have made the right decision. A qualified home inspector can expose property deficiencies, while also supplying you with a full written report and estimated costs for recommended and necessary repairs.
A home inspector will check your property for any structural damage; perform a thorough examination of the heating and cooling system, plumbing and electrical systems, the roof, attic, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, foundation, basement, and more; then prepare a complete written report detailing all their findings.
Legal Professional
When it comes to complex legal documents, it takes a lawyer experienced in Canadian real estate law to help make sure that you and your investment are protected. A real estate lawyer will review the agreement of purchase and sale, do a property title search, ensure utilities and property taxes are paid up, review the mortgage agreement, and get all the paperwork ready for closing.